Derja translation of 'مَا يَنَجِّمِشْ يَاقِفْ عَلَى سَاقِيهْ'

مَا يَنَجِّمِشْ يَاقِفْ عَلَى سَاقِيهْ
he can't stand on his feet

The child can't stand on his feet. الطْفُلْ مَا يَنَجِّمِشْ يَاقِفْ عَلَى سَاقِيهْ

he doesn't have what he needs to depend on himself

If Anwer's dad hadn't helped him to start a business venture, he wouldn't be able to stand on his own. أنور كان مش من بوه عاونوا باش حل مشروع ما ينجمش ياقف على ساقيه